Thomasina Winslow

Story Thomasina Winslow is a top level Acoustic Blues singer/guitarist. She travels nationally and internationally bringing the world of the blues to diverse audiences. She carries the legacy in fine form with her snappy guitar chops and warm rich vocals. Thomasina has been bringing the fusion of the Acoustic guitar driven blues to audiences around the world from Germany, England, and as far as Australia. She is an EDDIES 2019 Blues Artist of the Year nominee. "This music is not just for the museum or the Smithsonian; it lives and breathes in every American genre that has been created from it's foundation and I love it!"







What is music to you? What does it give you?

Music heals me and gives me focus. I also like to mentor musicians, watch and learn what music gives to them and share that with my audiences. As musicians I feel that it is a privilege, as well as a responsibility to reflect and even influence as much change in the collective consciousness as we can through our music. I recently received a nomination for Blues Artist of the Year in 2019 and that was a gift of another kind, which was validation that one's work is truly recognized and needed. Music has brought me where I would not have normally gone. Domestically, for me that means within the US, and internationally, again for me that means outside of the US. I'm a music activist meaning that I sense an abuse of music and musicians by the digital music industry changes taking place, and I would like to help protect us and our music. The way I have seen to do that is to protect our music produce, compose, record, and release more music with vigilance and preservation. So here I am! Best Wishes to all of my music colleagues in your careers! Thomasina Winslow

What is your music dream?

I have accomplished so many of my dreams with music. I will say that what I further want is to be a real earner in the field of music. That in my view means that there is a fair exchange of good currency between me and the buying audience not just listening audience. I want to give my audience choice with substance so that my ability to earn will increase.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

I would start with the hunger of children as my first step in changing the world.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

I could not possibly think of one song but I would say that a song that I sung with my father and it was put on his album is a song called 1-2-3. It lives with me and helps me create memories for others.

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Red Hot Chili Peppers! Um hmm... The Police, Parliament Funkadelic, Metalica, Heart, Joni Mitchell, Ricki Lee Jones, Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Dave East, Drake, and Prince, I'm kind of all over the place but that's the short list.

What inspires you to make music?

I made music as a child with my musical family, I can't remember a time when I was not inspired to make music. Writing is another thing there has to be some inspiring force to propel you forward but making music is just a true love of mine.

What is the message you want to send with your music?

I'd like my music to speak on whatever messages are needed. That may sound like a cop out but it really is not. I am writing music and I want to reach literally everyone with it. The main message is enjoy life and have fun figuring it out!

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

I feel very serene when I perform in front of an audience. I am at the same time energized by watching them watching me. Go figure.

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

This is a big question . How do I see the musician's reality nowadays? It is pretty darn bleak if we don't start paying attention to what is being done with our creativity. I think we are being taken for a ride by the platforms that offer us "exposure." We need to be paid more for the streams first and foremost. Musicians need to take control of their music and stop letting it be a free for all all of the time. Otherwise we run the risk of losing the integrity of what it is to be an artist. I'm not a hobbyist are you? is my main question.

What do you think of Drooble?

I just started with Drooble today but I am excited about what it looks like it offers. I think that I am willing to try it out. So far, today April 26, 2019, I have spent more time on this networking platform than at any other that I have tried. I am sitting here answering these questions and I think it is because it feels serious and "musiciany" to me. I feel safe here as an artist that want to move forward with her music.

What frustrates you most as a musician?

The industry as it is today with the rip off streaming platforms really frustrates me to a boiling point!!

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Yes I do support my scene as a fan. I have music colleagues who perform and I love listening to them and I buy whatever they have sale of their music.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

A musician should be diligent and patient. Be on time be easy to communicate with and don't flake on things that you know you should do to build your brand. Fearlessness is the best quality you can have I believe.

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

I have two artist both are former students and they are in vastly different genres. Anna Snow and Gemelli. Both are on YouTube and I am most proud of them. Their level of professionalism makes me proud to have taught them.