Stephany Jones


Tough As Nails... Will go out of the way to help anyone in need.... But never falls for the fake takers that try to sneak in... Born and Raised in South East Texas..... Nederland Proud,,,,,, I live in a suburb of Baton Rouge, Louisiana .."Central" I have Built 37 Roads all over Louisiana..... a heavy Equipment Operator, side by side with my husband of 16 years... Things change faster than you think... I would never had imagined myself building a road....but turns out I am pretty good at it. Heart Trouble forced me out of the hot Louisiana sun .... and now I am a Fuel Manager Operational logistics tech... I have been playing guitar since I was able to hold one... and writing songs for as long as my heart has beat. There have been generations of music passed down and I have added my own Limb on that tree. I am not into the band gig scene ... to much chasing your no time for that... I play at the annual songwriter's festivals... The local Coffee shop every now and then, but mostly for fun at home with my husband....who is an awesome guitar player also."Write it down on a twenty dollar bill and he can Play it " ... my circle is small...but whoever needs to hear our music will find their way here.






What is music to you? What does it give you?

It is the canvas of life... it is math, science, it has every emotion you could ever muster... it triggers a part of your soul.... and you can't hide from who you are. Music is Give and Take with me... I can be doing something random and a song will write itself in my head.. and I can not function unless I write it down... It is a Gift... and God's Gifts are meant to be shared , not Sold...

What is your music dream?

As a very young girl I dreamed of a full house on their feet asking for more..... I started writing and playing guitar at age 9... playing along with my family... it just came natural... A lot of life has happened since then... and I have seen so many great artist fall on their face before they even got started. I do not have the same dream anymore.. just playing for someone who Needs to hear my songs.... for whatever reason they crossed my touches them where no one else has before.... I learned you do not need a full house to make an impact.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

A Smile .... it is the most contagious gesture that starts the Good Stuff rolling in your soul.... It is the Bedrock we build upon.... measure twice, cut once.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

"Hands on the Wheel" by Willie Nelson..... the first song I danced with my Father to.....

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

there is so many! and so many varieties ... From Atlanta Rhythm Section.. To Buddy Guy.... Paul Simon...James Taylor.. Limp Biskit.. Blackfoot.. Thin Lizzy.. Led Zeppelin... Muddy waters and the Boogie kings... Wayne Toupes.. Clifton Chenier ... way too many to list....

What inspires you to make music?

Life.. all of the good and bad experiences that is throws at you... it is the stuff dreams are made of... deep inside....

What is the message you want to send with your music?

that is for the listener to decide... everyone hears a different message with every song... that is what makes it beautiful...

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

humbled with the honor to allow everyone to have a peek inside my soul...

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

they have put it in a box and manufactured it on an assembly line... producing the soul out of it so it is a commodity, with only money in mind when recording .. Bring back the HEART..... Bring back the Real Life music that everyone needs to hear everyday.

What do you think of Drooble?

When i stumbled across it, I sat and looked at the "sign up" button for 30 minutes before I decided that maybe this site would be different... and so far I really like it.. I am getting up the nerve to put myself out there, maybe someone on here needs to hear my words.. and feel my soul... and realize that they are not alone on this big rock of dirt spinning in space....

What frustrates you most as a musician?

trying to get the music that is in my head to communicate with my hands.... the words are the easy part... the music I hear in the background has French Horns, stand up bass and a horn section... very hard to play all that on a guitar at the same time lol.....

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Not like I used to.. there are too many that are climbing so hard that they forget to stop and listen to others music without comparing it to theirs.... and forget to feel... that takes the soul out of it all...

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

HEART.... Miles and Miles Of HEART....

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

Toni Price, Austin's "Queen Bee" Tony Faulk of Port Acres Texas... Truly the most awesome guitar player I have ever witnessed .. He plays left handed , over the neck ... he can walk up and play the lead to the rhythm you are playing while you are playing it.. WITH you on the same guitar. He is a Veterinarian.... I know !!! He is happy just to play.... Phil Green and the Pea Patch Orchestra ... Port Neches Texas.. Dickie and the Tornadoes ... a group of Pipe fitters that Bring the house to their feet every Friday.... Richard Soliz and the Blue Rays out of Boise Idaho... Marty Monte Band, Out of Texas City/Galveston Area , Marty recently passed away on tour across Spain.... he will be Truly Missed.... My Uncle Buck Fowler ... rockabilly at it's finest.... My Brother David Sapp is the best drummer I have ever witnessed .. he was playing Metallica at age 10... beat for beat with a double bass .... He got his first set of drums at 4 .. Edgar Winter is a family Friend and gave him the set they used to record their White Trash album... Longtooth .. local band in Port Neches that frequent all area events... the "Neches Wheelhouse" is the place to be on a Saturday night....