Soren Hvidberg


I am 59 years old and I had always loved music. I learned to play the guitar when I was about 14 but never played in a band except back in school. When computers and sequencers (DAW) became more common I realized that i could make real music, not just on a tape recorder. Now I use Cubase Pro 12 and lots of guitars, synthesizers and VST Instruments.






What is music to you? What does it give you?

Iron Age Remains is a one man band. Symphonic rock, newage, progressive rock etc. Music composed, played og recorded by Søren Hvidberg. Covers by my son Casper Schmidt Hvidberg…-R_okn3QI and also by me. I am 59 years old and I had always loved music. I learned to play the guitar when I was about 14 but never played in a band except back in school. When computers and sequencers (DAW) became more common I realized that i could make real music, not just on a tape recorder. Now I use Cubase Pro 12 and lots of guitars, synthesizers and VST Instruments.