Mike Chasse

Amateur Guitarist

Our only goal is to help talented people in the music industry that don't have the resources they need to push forward. Be it access to DAW's, mixers, guitars, pianos, or other gear, Audio13 works with individuals and groups to resolve these issues and to help you succeed. Driven by the motivation that to many talented musicians don't succeed because they just don't have what they need, and seeing to many musicians that don't have any talented or love for music.







What is music to you? What does it give you?

Peace, happiness, escape...everything

What is your music dream?

To help other musicians

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

To many

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Rush, Breaking Benjamin, Otis Redding, Emancipator....many many many more

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Our only goal is to help talented people in the music industry that don't have the resources they need to push forward. Be it access to DAW's, mixers, guitars, pianos, or other gear, Audio13 works with individuals and groups to resolve these issues and to help you succeed. Driven by the motivation that to many talented musicians don't succeed because they just don't have what they need, and seeing to many musicians that don't have any talented or love for music.