Guido Caminada

Bajista desde los 8 años y Guitarrista desde los 12. Crecí escuchando Tango, Blues, Country y Hard Rock hasta que conocí el Punk, Ska, Reggae, Funk y el Metal (mi género favorito). También me gusta el folclore pero no sé interpretarlo muy bien. // Bassist since I was 8 years old and a Guitarist since I was 12. I grew up listening Tango, Blues, Country and Hard Rock until I met Punk, Ska, Reggae, Funk and Metal (my favorite genre). I also like folklore but I don't know how to interpret it very well. //






What is music to you? What does it give you?

Music is a connection. It gave me the opportunity to approach my father and my brother, but also to meet excellent and very creative people.

What is your music dream?

Give Bass the respect it deserves!

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

Politicians and Economy

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was 8 years old and my father was going to buy me a guitar, just like he did with my brother. After seeing Flea in that video, I remember that I said to him: "I don't want a guitar. I want a bass!"

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

The Beatles, Chick Corea, Fela Kuti, Jaco Pactorius, Jinger, Lie and a Chameleon, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Maximum The Hormone, Meshuggah, Mick Gordon, Pantera, Primus, Rammstein, Rancid, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sepultura, Slipknot, Sum 41, Tricot, Weather Report and Yes... Don't blame me for hearing a bit of everything xD

What inspires you to make music?

Harmonies, melodies and virtuosity

What is the message you want to send with your music?

Bass is everything

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

I've been playing for a long time so I guess like another day at work

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

If you're just starting out, production (less is more). If you've been playing for a while, spread more new music (stop copying what you like). Maybe more drums played and less midi-drums or drum samples.

What do you think of Drooble?

So far so good :)

What frustrates you most as a musician?

Me... and when the pick falls into the hole of the guitar, I hate it xD

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Fans are not objective. I'd rather be critical and listen variety than marry with a style or a band.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

Sadly, do what everyone else does or choose a mainstream genre. Under music and virtuosity will not lead you to fame.

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

Cursed Angel, Flit, Hamacas al Río, Jaz Pimentel, Julián Herrera, Junko Kamata, Les Presentes, LITE, Love Love Love, Nana Arguen, Release Bezaken, Rodrigo Olmedo y La banda elástica, Spaghetti Western, Spiritbox, Sta, Tsukasa and Tuatara. Feel free to support them ?