Eric Foltys


I want to put together a project. 2 sets: 1 acoustic and 1 electric. Deep cuts. The majority of what I want to play is the B-side stuff thats great that never gets enough airplay. Plus a few of my personal favorites that are just fun to play. Set list: ELP - From the beginning Zep - 10 Years gone STP - Pretty Penny, Plush, Vasoline Soundgarden - Black hole sun, Fell on black days RHCP -Breaking the girl Hendrix -manic depression Alice in Chains - Ill stay away, Them bones Meat Puppets - Backwater Toadies - possum kingdom VanHalen - Feel your love tonight And a bunch more. This is just a cross section off the top of my head.







What is music to you? What does it give you?

Gives me a boner. I am trying to put together a band to do 2 sets: 1 acoustic followed by 1 electric. Hit me up for details.

What is your music dream?

Nothing unrealistic. Would like to get back into gigging and do the club scene here in South Florida.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

Kill Justin Bieber and the Kardashians.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

Song Remains The Same from MSG 1973 live. Thats the one that made me pick up a guitar.

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Stone Temple Pilots. Soundgarden. Alice in Chains. Hendrix. Led Zeppelin. Deep Purple.

What inspires you to make music?

Seeking the perfect tone and the "lost note".....

What is the message you want to send with your music?

That there is a ton of cool shit out there that never makes it to the radio. I will be playing as much of it as I can.

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

Scared shitlless, but its an enjoyable adrenaline rush.

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

Kill Justin Beiber. Remove cut and paste sampling. Make record company formed boy bands illegal.

What do you think of Drooble?

I dont really have an opinion yet. Just getting my shit in one bag today, so we will see....

What frustrates you most as a musician?

Other musicians.... A band is like a 4-way marriage. Its tough dealing with egos, drug problems, annoying girlfriends and their pointless input (see: Yoko Ono syndrome) and all the other hurdles that stand in the way of success.

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Fuck yeah! I see live music as often as I can. I was dating the singer from Union Kain. (check em out)

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

Not being a dick. Understanding its the music BUSINESS and that the business side of it is a reality which has to be accepted, understood, and dealt with.

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

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